I won’t start by saying that I hate birds, I don’t. However, I will say that I only like birds at a distance, like at least ten feet or so. You know, a GOOD distance. For example, watching a gorgeous hawk soaring overhead? Wonderful. Dining outdoors with birds flitting in and around the tables? A horror. Bird attacks in general just seem way too personal as far as I’m concerned.
So, what has happened in the past week as we’re all looking for those delightful signs that spring might actually arrive in Michigan? A robin has been attacking my house. Repeatedly. Every day. Multiple windows. In fact, I can hear him as I’m typing this. Initially when he started pecking on the basement window, I didn’t really care, but it drove my husband bonkers. So, he installed those clear, plastic covers over the window wells. Did the bird take the hint, maybe start to seek out other like-minded robins? NOOOO… he decided to up his game.
This moronic excuse for a bird has been throwing himself at my first floor windows over and over again for DAYS AND DAYS. It’s nightmarish, Hitchcockian, even, and believe me when I say, no one wants to actually live through a Hitchcockian scenario. My wonderful husband hoped that taping up some pictures of cats might discourage him. It did not. Instead, he started aiming for them. It was as if we’d thrown down some sort of avian gauntlet. Who knew?
In more delightful news, Sunbury Press has just agreed to publish the sequel to Seeing in the Quiet! The new book is called Finding Rosey and should be out around the end of the year. You can learn more about it in the book section of my website. Until then, keep well and hope for better signs of spring than toxic avian masculinity!
My husband took this photo for me. No way was I getting that close to it, even with the glass in between us!